There is always a good reason why employees leave: Arbind Joseph, HR technology expert, explains why

Arbind Joseph, CEO of Crintell Technologies
According to the latest employee retention statistics, companies across the U.S. are struggling with employee attrition and are determined to do something about it, as the process of losing workers and recruiting replacements is costly and inconvenient. Employee retention refers to the ability of a company to keep its employees over a specific period of time. Many employers are threatened by the reality that more than half of their employees are prepared to resign, even if they continue their work on a signed contract. According to statistics, 65% of employees think that they can find a better position elsewhere, so their departure is usually only a matter of time. By 2030, low retention is expected to cost the U.S. roughly $430 billion annually, which is why the topic of retention is one of the most pressing priorities amongst HR experts.
Arbind Joseph on the quest to refresh recruitment with technology
One of the top-tier experts in the HR industry and the CEO of Crintell Technologies, Arbind Joseph, shares his thoughts on reasons why employees feel insecure in their job positions, why they leave and what can be done to improve the situation. His story summarized below sheds light on why he is the best expert to discuss this issue.
When Arbind Joseph launched Crintell Technologies, he was already a well-known specialist in the field of HR — not afraid of experimenting with unprecedented tech tools, such as AI or automation, in order to uplift the entire HR sector. Arbind Joseph graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from a top-rated R.V. College of Engineering which gave him a strong technical background. As a tech enthusiast, he has become passionate about improving traditional recruitment processes with the addition of novel technologies. His extensive experience in such reputable companies as Allegis Group, Alliance Info Systems and Aditi Consulting has laid the foundation for his own business and given him a deep understanding of the employee recruitment process. Aditi Consulting is one of the leading American IT giants with the largest center in Bangalore, India. The company uses premier technology solutions to help organizations accelerate business growth. It’s software solutions power billions of mobile devices and systems that are connected, integrated, personalized, adaptive and secure across all platforms. 
As the Country Head at Aditi, Arbind Joseph was responsible for hiring, training, resource planning, employee performance, appraisals and overall employee satisfaction in India. He  became a well-known and respected expert by focusing on both customer and employee satisfaction. 
The key issue behind employees’ departures
It is no surprise that people desire economic and emotional stability. Depending on the individual, stress associated with the recruitment process and changing work environments can be more or less severe. However, there is no doubt that this stress (big or small) will affect our health and sense of security. For a majority of citizens having a satisfying, stable and well-paying job is on top of the list when it comes to life priorities. Having to leave a job is never an easy or comfortable experience, yet often people feel that they have no choice. After years of managing teams of roughly 150 employees and staying at the forefront of the most crucial decisions, Arbind Joseph concluded that the key issue leading to employees’ dissatisfaction, and consequently their departure from the job, is the fundamental lack of security. 
It really comes down to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It’s essentially a pyramid of the 5 things that employees want and look for within an organization. My duty, as a cognisant HR expert, is to plug the leaking holes and ensure that people feel secure within their jobs. Being secure is the most important thing for an employee. Only then can we focus on the next natural goals, such as recruiters’ productivity.” - Arbind Joseph explains.
Other reasons for quitting your job
Apart from insecurity, there is more to the topic of employee retention. People leave their jobs as a result of multiple factors. Self-awareness and self-appreciation are growing. People are becoming more conscious about their skills, experience and overall worth on the market. As a result, the confidence in finding a new (and better) job opportunity fairly quickly increases. People are no longer willing to waste years in a  job that they don’t like or do not see a future with. They are interested in having options. Additionally, only 25% of employees feel connected to their company's goals, which translates to easy decisions of moving on. Moreover, 65% of tech employees believe that they can find a better position. With no clear action from management to keep them engaged, employees in those rapidly-changing industries are likely to seek out interesting options and eventually leave for better money, titles or benefits. 
Crintell Technologies fights against the current
Arbind Joseph understands the gravity of the situation and is determined to find solutions that will save thousands of companies, now left in distress. Experienced in handling responsibility for all of India’s HR operations, he successfully ran many programs measuring employee performance tied to their appraisals. Arbind’s technological savviness led to the development of outstanding products that have already revolutionized the market. Knowing that by the end of 2021, 42% of the U.S. workforce will be engaged in contingent work (representing 7% of the GDP) Crintell Technologies could not afford to miss this opportunity. The AI-based products they’ve built support recruiters to optimize their workflow and increase productivity by an amazing 300%. It is thanks to Arbind Joseph that Crintell grew from 0 to 6000 recruiters who now use the groundbreaking automation platform on a daily basis, and therefore strengthen their productivity, which translates into stability and joy from work well done. The automation of certain aspects of the recruitment process implemented by Crintell assisted HR workers tremendously, taking the dull and mundane tasks off of their shoulders. 
Arbind Joseph cannot know for sure what will happen with employee retention and the economy in the post-Covid scene. However, what he does know is that the sector of HR technologies must stay current with changes in the market and remain flexible to the rapidly evolving nature of the recruitment process. Consideration of what motivates employees and the reasons that they leave is essential to success.