The Biggest Stars on YouTube

BENGALURU: Creativity, originality, inventiveness and many other skills form the basis to create a video and gather huge fan following on YouTube. The generation of present times is so tech savvy that one can operate hundreds of functions by sitting at one place and creating a video for YouTube is no big deal. The number of videos on YouTube is endless and people get attracted to stuff which endorses innovativeness, humor and satire. The content comes from different countries and the target audience varies according to the projection of the content. The number of views and subscription depicts the popularity of a YouTube channel and the generation of fortune is inevitable with fame. The most viewed YouTube channels are mainly belonging to the category of game reviews, toy review and children education. Let’s have a look at some of the most viewed YouTube channels across the world

 Ryan ToysReview

The channel has been on YouTube for just one year and its fame has reached sky high. The thought behind this channel is toy surveys for children by a child. Ryan is just five years of age yet he has gained a gigantic number of admirers with the assistance of his folks and close relative who make the recordings. His videos include a wide range of toys, adventures, and in some cases even science experiments.

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