Pollution in India Shrink Newborns

Professor Pless-Mulloli further added, “The particles which are affecting pregnant mothers mainly come from the burning of fossil fuels. In the past the culprit may have been coal fires, now it is primarily vehicle fumes," as reported by TNN.

The Professor also said, “We would like policy makers to use the results of this study to inform decisions on whether the permitted levels of air pollution should be changed.” He then said, “We would urge countries considering reviewing their air pollution standards to include estimates of the growth of newborns as a measure of air quality standards.” Advising the mothers to be, Judith Rankin from Newcastle University said, “This should not deter mothers-to-be from taking exercise outdoors as the benefits of keeping active in pregnancy are well known.”

Living in the city comes with a lot of perks and peeves and working through both could be tricky, but it’s important to create a balance by taking few precautions. The increasing pollution in the city does take a toll on everyone, but it affecting the newborns needs to be considered seriously and a proper check on the amount of exposure to pollution might help suppressing it’s effect to a considerable rate.

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