Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What At a Glance

France: France made its debut into the nuclear weapon test in 1960 in an operation dubbed as “Gerboise Blue.” France unlike the United Kingdom used its own research and ramped up the nuclear warhead development after Suez Crisis in late 50’s. France’s motive was to be one among the top military powers and maintain a status like that of a great power. However like the other three NPT countries it is known that France did not yet develop any chemical or biological weapons. The country currently retains a stockpile of 300 operational warheads. France also tested its first hydrogen bomb—Operation Canopus.

China: The last of the NPT signatories to legitimize development of nuclear arsenals in the country. China, however did not ratify its status with the NPT. China was a rising power after the demise of the Soviet Union, and was therefore wary of both U.S. and Russia and hence decided to get an independent hold of nuclear arsenals. The Chinese first nuclear warhead—596 was test fired in 1964 and also test fired its first hydrogen bomb in 1967. As mentioned, the country did not ratify the treaty but follows a strict “No First-Use” policy, which means that China would use the nuclear weapon only when the enemy strikes first.

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