National Technology Day 2022 - Insights from the Tech leaders of India

“Request for proposal (RFP) technology was originally developed only for procurement, to help organizations issue, track, and monitor RFPs when they sourced a new product, service, or solution provider. RFP technology developers recognized an opportunity to improve efficiency, encourage competition, and accelerate supply chains. However, these solutions neglected the needs of responders. In fact, as RFP technology made it easier for issuers to include demands for guaranteed service levels, risk mitigation, regulatory compliance, privacy assurances, and security protocols in their RFPs, questionnaires ballooned; while RFP issuing technology made it easier for organizations to ask for these requirements, responders were still stuck with manual or in-house solutions that offered unreliable results.

Companies such as RFPIO developed response management technology to support responders. Early versions of the technology-focused on automating response processes, in-app collaboration tools, and organizing content to respond to RFPs and security questionnaires faster. As the technology has advanced, sales teams have also realized the value of responding faster and more accurately from a library of response-ready content that can be accessed from almost everywhere, including web browsers, CRMs, Microsoft Office, Slack, and more. Now, with AI-enabled automated responses, intuitive proposal building tools that enable easier proactive responding, and ubiquitous knowledge management available to all responders—including sales, proposal, customer support, analyst relations, investor relations, and IT teams—having RFPIO in a sales tech stack is a game-changing competitive advantage.” says Ganesh Shankar, CEO & Co-Founder, RFPIO