India Worst Country for Women, Canada the Best

“Canada leads the pack with its promotion of women’s access and opportunities across various sectors of society, including education, economic participation and healthcare,” participant Sarah Degnan Kambou, president of the International Center for Research on Women in Washington, told TrustLaw.

Germany was ranked as the second best country for women in G20.  Briton held the third place in the list while Australia and France finished at fourth and fifth positions.

Though USA shares a border, a language and much cultural affinity with Canada, U.S. could find only 6th place in the list. As the experts say, the opportunities might be same in the countries for both the gender but they are far apart in the area of equality.

Poor access to health care and a highly polarizing debate about reproductive rights in the United States were considered as the major factors that restricted America to the sixth rank.

There are plenty of reasons for the last position of India in the list. Many girls especially from the villages have to face with many hardships and atrocities all through their life. The patriarchal family systems in India are driven with a strong desire for male children. The female feticide has been a major evil practice in many parts of India. As per a 2011 study by The Lancet, 12 million girls were aborted over the last three decades. This is clearly seen from the decreased number of women in proportion to men in many areas of India. And it can be one of the major reasons behind the rise in rapes, human trafficking and, in certain cases, practices such as "wife-sharing" amongst brothers.