Get Clinically Researched, Effective Supplements with TrueBasics

Get Clinically Researched, Effective Supplements with TrueBasics

In the year 2019, Bright Lifecare Pvt Ltd introduced a unique range of health supplements with TrueBasic. With a parent company that has tremendous experience in the sports nutrition market with brands like MuscleBlaze and Healthkart, TrueBasics quickly became a trusted name.

The brand is known for its strong values that are driven to provide customers with some of the best supplements that they can use on a daily basis. Every nutrient included in these supplements is only an essential one to make sure that you do not consume anything that you do not need or might be harmful for you.

A Brand Developed on Values

The most important factor that makes True Basics stand out is their focus on providing value to customers. There are three things that one can expect when they invest in True Basics:

Transparency in Ingredients

The nutritional label of each product is 100% transparent. Everything that is used in the composition of the product is mentioned on the label. If you have any questions about the product, you can even consult their team of nutritionists and experts through a live chat option. The official website also lists the ingredients used along with their sources to help you learn more about them.


Although their range of products is massive, True Basics is committed to giving you only what you need. For this reason, you also have the option of consulting an expert before planning your supplement strategy. They will help you find the right products based on your fitness goals or other requirements based on factors like age and gender.


This is the best known feature of this brand. Every ingredient that is used is clinically tested. The products are made in GMP-certified facilities. These facilities carry out extensive quality analysis to ensure that the ingredients that go into the product are the best in terms of their quality and efficacy. 

Benefits of True Basics Products

The products in the True Basics range are created to  meet very specific purposes, as mentioned below:

  • To ensure that you do not have any gaps in your daily nourishment.
  • To prevent potential health risks by boosting your immunity.
  • To help keep your energy levels high all day long.
  • To cater to the changing needs of the body based on the age of the consumer.
  • To provide a source of natural herbs and plant extracts to include in your daily life.
  • To improve the overall quality of your life.
  • To help your body recover faster after training
  • To improve your performance during your physical activities.

Wide Range of Health Supplements

There are unlimited supplement options at True Basics that are organized into different categories:

  • Omega 3 supplements- True Basics has the best variety of Omega-3 supplements based on the concentration of this nutrient and the sources used. You have a 100% vegan option as well. These products use highly filtered fish oil and other sources to make sure that you do not consume any harmful toxins.
  • Vitamin supplements- A vitamin supplement is one of the most commonly used nutritional supplements. True Basics makes use of ingredients that are proven to give you great efficacy and results. These carefully calculated formulations ensure that you get the daily required intake of each nutrient according to your age, gender and other factors.
  • Herbal supplements: With these supplements, you have an easy option to include the therapeutic benefits of herbs in your regular diet. They are made with traditional medicinal plants that have been known to alleviate several health issues, protect your body and even prevent potential health issues.
  • Immunity Booster supplements: To ensure that you enjoy healthy immunity, these products contain nutrients like Vitamin C and zinc that balance your immune system effectively. They help in the faster repair and regeneration of your immune cells and even keep them protected from regular damage or wear and tear.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidant supplements use powerful natural extracts that are known for their potency in eradicating free radicals in the body. These supplements balance the level of free radicals in the body to give you better immunity. They also prevent oxidative stress to cells and tissues, boosting their longevity and health.  
  • Specialty supplements: As the name suggests, these supplements have been created to address special requirements. Whether it is joint protection, detoxification, beauty requirements or any other specific needs that you may have, you will be able to find suitable products within this range. They use unique combinations of ingredients to give you the best benefits possible.

The benefits and quality of these products have earned them a great reputation in the nutrition and fitness industry. You can read stories of several happy customers on the official website to understand how these products have changed the fitness and health of the users. Ordering your supplements is also easy now. Just log on to the website, choose the products you need and have them delivered to your doorstep.