Files Of Shame: 10 Nations With Highest Rape Crime

BANGALORE: RAPE is a word that sends shudder down the spine of any woman and the world still seems inept to fight this heinous crime. Rape, not just in India, is casting and widening its dark contour over the world. The bitter part of the exposition is that the biggest economies of the world haven’t come up with any resolute prosecuting laws to bring this crime to an end, reports NewUpdate.

The same question pops up again- Are women today really independent? Are they safe in this male chauvinist world?

Let’s have a look at the shameful statistics listing the top ten countries with the highest number of rapes.

Protest agaisnt rape#1 United States

It’s a matter of shame the supreme economy in the world has fallen flat to ensure the safety and rights of its female citizens. The stats are so horrifying that in every 2 mins, someone in United States is being sexually abused.  1 in 6 U.S. women have been either raped or experienced sexual assault. Yet only a handful of them come forward to report against the crime.

The number of cases reported constitute only 16 percent of the total. Almost all the rapists are reported to be men while the figures say 91 percent of the victims are females and the rest are men.

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