Enso Chairman VinayMaloo gives an impactful insight into importance of hard work and discipline in life.

Enso Chairman VinayMaloo gives an impactful insight into importance of hard work and discipline in l

Let's imagine a scenario, you wake up in the morning, you know it's morning but still there's a complete blackout and you cannot see a thing, just because your eyes are closed. This little thought is enough to prove that no matter what you need to achieve, you need to put in your efforts. Thus, hard work and discipline have a special place in our lives without which all success stories sound like fairytales and fables.

And who'll be better than an entrepreneur like VinayMaloo to explain the importance of these fundamentals. While throwing light on the subject, Maloo said that - "Even if you have to walk, you need to put forward a step, the first step is what hard work is all about, it's secondary that you can walk well, or you have mastered the art of walking, but the hard work, which is the first stepping stone towards success is important."

He further explained that success is not just about talent or intelligence, but also about putting in the effort to achieve one's goals. Hard work involves persistence, determination and a willingness to learn from one's mistakes. Without hard work, even the most talented individuals will struggle to achieve their full potential.

In addition to hard work, discipline is also necessary for achieving success. Maloo emphasized on the importance of discipline in staying focused and avoiding distractions. This involves setting clear goals and priorities, and then sticking to them even when faced with challenges or obstacles. By maintaining discipline, individuals can stay on track and make steady progress towards their goals.

Maloo also noted that hard work and discipline go hand in hand. Without discipline, it can be difficult to maintain the level of effort required to achieve success. Similarly, without hard work, discipline can become meaningless as individuals fail to put in the necessary effort to achieve their goals.