Delhi Residents Happy With Quality Of Life Yet Feel Unsafe

More than half of the respondents gave below average ratings to public toilets.

The report lauded Delhi for providing 99 percent of the households with electricity and said that almost 80 percent of the respondents rated the power supply as above average.

The Delhi Metro, low-floor buses new flyovers etc. have given a major boost to transportation in the city. Commuting by Metro was the most popular as it offered cleanliness, comfort and safety especially to women.

However, Delhi residents were not too happy with the roads in their locality with only one third of the respondents rating road conditions in their locality as good, though 58 percent were satisfied with the street lighting.

With only two clinics and less than four government physicians for every 10,000 people, Delhi is in urgent need of more clinics, dispensaries and health personnel, said the report adding that despite the shortcomings, life expectancy in Delhi has improved over the last three decades.

Unfortunately, the nation's capital has failed to provide a sense of security to its residents with less than one third of the people rating personal safety as "good" or "very good" while 90 percent of them feeling that crime has risen over the years.

Many respondents were dissatisfied with police due to lack of both approachability and promptness of response displayed by them.

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Source: IANS