Cell Phone Towers Cause Health Hazard: Survey

It further said, “Essentially, body processes can eventually be disabled by incessant external stresses and lead to pervasive impairment of metabolic and reproductive functions.”

The co-editor of the report, Cindy Sage said, “Human sperms are damaged by cellphone radiation at very low intensities. There is a veritable flood of new studies reporting sperm damage in humans and animals, leading to substantial concerns for fertility, reproduction and health of the offspring. Exposure levels are similar to those resulting from wearing a cellphone on the belt or in the pant pocket or using a wireless laptop computer on the lap,” as reported by Hindustan Times.

The MD at Orebro University Lennart Hardell, who contributed in the study informed about the consistent pattern of advance risk involved for brain tumour and a slow growing tumour of the nerve, connected to ear and brain related to mobiles and cordless phones usage. He also said, “The existing public safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health.”

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