Bangalore, India's 3rd Most Unsafe City for Women

BANGALORE: Although, women are the most significant members of the society who build and shape the country, still they are the most targeted and affected ones when it comes to violence and crime. India’s IT Capital, Bangalore is now the third most unsafe city for women in the country, according to the statistics of National Crime Records Bureau.

The most recent 'ClickGate' controversy involving a senior IPS officer for reportedly clicking objectionable pictures of a woman in a coffee shop once again raise a question on the safety of women in this city.

Shruti Vishwas, a law graduate and activist, said, "It's not possible for a woman to walk through a crowd in Bangalore without being groped or drooled at. Unfortunately, this is still considered mischief, and reacting to such incidents is frowned upon," reports The Times of India.

According to the released recently NCRB data for 2013, the number of cases concerning crime against women in the IT city has considerable increased by 345 cases from 2,263 in 2012 to 2,608 in 2013. This means in this city there are 64 cases of crime against women for every 1 lakh women in Bangalore. On the other hand, Mumbai, with a female population of 85.20 lakh twice that of Bangalore has just 34 instances of crime against women for every 1 lakh women.

Delhi and Mumbai with 11,449 cases and 2,946 cases respectively, both the cities are ahead of Bangalore. Among the South Indian cities, Bangalore reported the highest cases of crime against women. However, Senior city police officers opined that more cases being reported is one main cause why the city is regarded to have a higher incidence of such crimes and so further exclaimed, "We're making attempts to ensure safety of women in public with more patrolling," reports TOI.

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