An Insight Into The Life Of Google CEO

An Insight Into The Life Of Google CEO

Sundar Pichai is an Indian-born American computer scientist and executive, who was appointed as CEO of Google in 2015. He is popularly known as “a man behind Google’s most important products.”

FREMONT, CA: “You might fail a few times, but that's Ok. You end up doing something worthwhile which you learn a great deal from.” – These inspiring words are said by a successful and most popular CEO Sundar Pichai. Becoming the head of any organization is worth mentioning, but becoming the CEO of one of the most high-profile businesses in the world gets you into the historical manuscripts. That's exactly what Pichai did when he took the helm of Google in 2015 after just eleven years at the company.

From humble beginnings as a middle-class child in India to one of the lead item designers on Google Chrome, Pichai's road to the highest point of Google has been loaded with highs and lows. Today, he is known as one of the most potent CEOs across the globe.

Pichai Sundararajan or popularly known as Sundar Pichai was born in Tamil Nadu in India. He is an Indian-born American computer scientist and executive. He pursued his B.Tech. in Metallurgical Engineering from IIT Kharagpur. After that he won a scholarship to study materials science and semiconductor physics from Stanford University from where he eventually earned his M.S.

After that, he was appointed as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. Later in 2004, he joined Google and worked on Google's search toolbar as a part of a small team. In 2009, November Pichai displayed Chrome OS, and the Chromebook was released for testing and trial in 2011. Later in 2013, Chromebook was released for the public. In the month of May in 2010, Pichai announced the open-sourcing of the new video codec VP8 by Google and also introduced the new video format WebM.

When Pichai worked as a product manager, he led the innovative efforts for several of Google's products, including Chrome OS and Google Chrome, which went on to become highly successful. He is the developer of Google Chrome and Google Drive. Eventually, he took over the management of other Google products such as Android, Gmail, Google Maps, Chromebook, and many Google apps, and rose through the ranks rapidly.

As per the reports, Pichai's term as CEO of Google has been an impressive achievement for the company. Since his appointment, the Alphabet's revenue is up more than 80 percent, and the company's stock price has risen by almost 90 percent. He is the first non-white and third CEO after Eric Schmidt and Larry Page.

Pichai has also offered many products for the unique needs of Indians. India is at the center of a digital revolution nowadays, with millions of Indians getting online every month. Here are some of the achievements done by Pichai for India:

• The first step was to enable access to the Internet.
• Introduced Google's "Indic" keyboard in eleven different languages.
• More than four hundred railway stations in India with WiFi service.
• Google enabled live cricket updates through a simple Google search, from early 2016.
• India to have more Android users than the United States of America
• Google is helping women from 300,000 villages across India get online in three years.
• Google ramp up engineering presence in Hyderabad to make products for India.

For his great work and contributions, he has been enlisted for Global Leadership Awards 2019 by business advocacy group US-India Business Council (USIBC).

Recently under his supervision, the Google AI team has attained a significant breakthrough in quantum computing, commonly known as quantum supremacy, after over a decade of work.

According to Pichai, in this real world, it is essential to try out different things, but ultimately, “it's the idea that matters.” He also always mentions that it doesn't matter where a person comes from because a single idea can revolutionize the world.

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