World's Most Powerful Moms

Bangalore: Who is the most powerful mom in the world? These are the mothers who not only manage billions of dollars and entire populations but also their little ones. Forbes came up with a list of powerful moms, based on decision-making power and multiple measures of influence. The powerful moms were from various spheres of government, business, philanthropy and entertainment. The moms who are at the top of the game are:

Hillary Clinton:

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton takes the first spot on the list. She is the mother of Chelsea. With one of the biggest jobs in the world, Hillary has still managed to play the perfect mother and hence tops the list. Two years ago as Chelsea had planned to walk down the aisle, Clinton was beside her through all the wedding preparations, to review the photos and to offer support. She said that global diplomacy and duties as a mother-of-the-bride were both “serious, important and stressful” jobs, as reported by Forbes.

Dilma Rousseff:

Dilma Rousseff, the Brazilian President takes the second position on the list. Dilma is the first woman to hold the office. She is the daughter of a Bulgarian entrepreneur and was raised in an upper middle class household. Dilma became a socialist during her youth, and following the 1964 coup joined various left-wing and Marxist urban guerrilla groups that fought against the military dictatorship. Rousseff was captured and jailed between 1970 and 1972 and reportedly tortured. Dilma has a daughter and a grandson.