Two Years After Delhi Gang Rape: How Safe Do Women Feel in India?

BENGALURU: It has been two whole years since the country witnessed the most horrific incident—the worst that could ever happen to a girl. New Delhi which is a host to the best universities has always been the pride of the nation, however  today it is labeled as the  rape capital. There is no progress as yet in matters of women safety and nothing has changed so far. So what about the future of Delhi? Will it continue to be unsafe?

We cannot conveniently blame the government for such mishaps. Who is to be blamed if a girl is whistled at on the streets, who is to blamed if a girl is felt up in a city bus? In fact the survey conducted by Hindustan Times shows that, 62 percent of women do not feel safe to contact any police or any other authority as they do trust them. And 45 percent of such victims do not even share their experiences with their family members as that would worry them. This is not the case just in Delhi, it is the same across the country. In spite of India being a country rich in values, women are still being ill treated.

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