Notable Sporting Moments of 2012

Lance Armstrong, Tragic Fall
Lance Armstrong, the American road racing cyclist was declared to be involved in the 'most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen,’ in the report published by the United States Anti-Doping Agency  in October 2012. Lance Armstrong is a cancer survivor and seven times Tour de France title winner between 1998 and 2005 and an Olympic Bronze medal winner in 2000 Sydney Olympics. The 41 year old cyclist has been banned for life for his drug issues.

Sebastian Vettel is the youngest Formula One World champion to win for three consecutive years. He is currently on the Austrian racing team -Red Bull Racing. He won against Fernando Alonso of Ferrari, the only drive to beat Vettel, denying him the title, but Alanso finished second, behind only by three points. 
Vettel said after finishing the race, “I think everything that could go wrong, went wrong.” He also remarked that he races for the thrill and love of experience.

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