Not Delhi, But Chennai Has the Highest Vehicle Density

BENAGLURU: Which city reminds you of traffic the most? Is it Mumbai, Delhi or some other city? To our surprise it is Chennai that has the highest density of vehicles in India, despite Delhi being the biggest automobile industry in the country, as reported by ToI.

Vehicle density against the length of roads brings the difference between Delhi and Chennai. Delhi boasts road length of 33, 000 kilometers, while Chennai has a mere 2, 000 kilometer road length. Therefore though Delhi tops vehicle population with 7.3 million vehicles, Chennai’s 3.7 million unit vehicle pool increase the density in the city.

Chennai tops the list of cities with highest vehicle density with 2093 vehicles per kilometers followed by Pune with 1260 vehicle units per kilometer while Delhi being the least with 245 vehicles per kilometer. However this vehicular density in Chennai did not hamper the air quality as much as it is hampered in Delhi, which seems surprising considering the whopping number of vehicles in Chennai.

Delhi on the other hand tops the list of cities with most harmful air pollutants in the air with highest PM 2.5 (the tiny particles in air that reduce visibility and cause air to appear hazy). According to the environmentalists PM 2.5 increases mainly because of the vehicular exhaust. If such is the case Chennai should also have higher levels of PM 2.5, which is at present marked 20 as opposed to Delhi which is marked 198. There is still some confusion over the issue, whether or not it is the contribution of transport sector that increases the PM 2.5 levels.

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