How to Call India When You Travel

Traveling away from home has become a socially acceptable norm of students that have just finished school. But it has also become an extremely stressful period for both the students and their families.

The reason why this is true is because, without a way for the families to connect, people begin to stress. The biggest problem is knowing whether or not your child is saved or has enough money. For the students, it can also become very stressful as not being able to have the safety net of being able to phone home is one of the many worrying thoughts.

So how can you ensure that when traveling you can make sure your parents, family and loved ones back in India?

Well, to be honest, there are 3 main methods on how you can phone home.

1. Use a Phone Card

Using a phone card is not as bad as it sounds, as it is a reliable way for to contact people when your cellular devices have died or you are in a remote town with very little to no coverage.

All you have to do is find a phone booth, insert your phone card and dial your number and you are ready to talk and make the call home to India.

The only “downside” is that you will need to have a phone card, which actually isn’t a massive problem to find, there are lots of companies that sell phone cards, like NobelCom.

The other thing about phone cards is that they work on a credit based system, so you can either buy a prepaid phone card while you travel, which could be hard to find. Or you can open an account with a company that offers that service.

2. Utilize an internet calling app.

An internet calling application is likely your best bet of contacting home. The reason why Is due to its ability to be able to make calls off any internet connections and not use normal cellular airtime.

This basically means that you can make calls to your loved ones in India, without having to pay extremely expensive rates, no matter where you currently are as long as you have a solid internet connection.

Another nice feature is the ability to be able to make both voice calls and video calls.

All you have to do is make sure you are connected to the internet, open the app, select the contact you want and connect!

 Check out apps like Skype, WhatsApp Messenger and the NobelApp for ways to utilize internet calling.

3. Normal Cellular calling

This is the most expensive method as it uses your phone's airtime to make calls on another operator’s network. This can be a problem as you will have to have international roaming as an option on your sim package and any calls you make will be billed at the rate of the operator that you are currently connected to.

So those are the best ways you can call India when you travel.