Environmental Issues Plaguing India

As with all emerging countries, there are going to be many problems and difficulties that put strain and stress on the people and the government. Poverty is a major concern that affects all of the other issues as it is the bottom line that the governments are worried about and that they try to control.  The background of India includes Muslims, Christians and Hindus. These faiths are generally at odds with each other creating difficulty in creating bonds within the population.  On top of that social stressor, there are the issues of the population growth and the environmental concerns regarding industrial pollution.

The Perfect Storm

The severity of poverty, corruption, population and pollution creates the perfect storm for India.  By 2022, the country will surpass China as the most populous country—and this is not good news for most of the citizens there.  There are so many twists and turns to the layers of the culture and religion of the area that it is impossible to dissect. There are many tribes and religious sects that do not communicate or who are communicating inappropriately with each other through much in-fighting and war.

Sustainability Woes

India has had a tough time coming up with a plan for sustainable energy which in the long run will lead to increased development.  Unfortunately, future generations are going to have to suffer and pay for the present day loss of resources.  Some of these examples include the depletion of the water tables, the increase in floods, and pollution of the air and water.  Delhi is in the top 10 most polluted cities of the world.  Although the Indian government has created laws and systems to lessen the industrial and vehicular emissions, it is often not followed.  In the most recent years, the government and the Delhi citizens have made incredible strides towards a level of understanding for the health and welfare of the people.


The demands of forest products are causing the encroachment upon the protected lands and the wildlife population.  These resources are not easily replaced and there are many species whose habitats are being destroyed to an alarming rate.  As this need grows, the unfortunate fact is that there will be a need to import these products into the country from abroad causing additional poverty among the population. 

Another concern is the issue with palm oil.  India’s high consumption of this ingredient is an additional issue for the forests as they are being transformed into palm oil plantations.  This growing demand for palm oil is growing at a very fast rate and will become a serious issue as time ticks by.

The Final Word

There are many complex political, social and environmental issues that will continue to have incredible effects for years to come. But the first line of defense against these issues is educating yourself and getting your facts from an unbiased source, such as a newspaper like Divya Bhaskar. This can be a good place to start—a newspaper is more than just opinion pieces and the latest cricket update.It's a way to learn the truth about the world you live in, and the truth is the beginning of change.

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