9 Grim Predictions That Turned Out To Be True

BANGALORE: Throughout the history, soothsayers and their very practices were always looked upon as sheer mockery and deemed as a subject to convulse in laughter.

Despite the judgmental throes of society, prophesies continue to foreshadow the impending disasters that has taken or might just take place in time. However certain alarming predictions uttered by unlikely figures had accurately marked gloomy events that had nonetheless taken its toll many years later, reports Speakingtree.

Now looking into the 9 prophesies that hit the nail on the head with their accuracy.

Tragic end of the White Star Liner, Titanic

The prolific author Morgan Roberts in the latter half of the 19th century is remembered for his novella "Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan" which astoundingly describes the catastrophic event of the sinking ship Titanic. The short story that revolves around the first of its kind ships baring the largest triple-screw propeller that struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic, plummeting at first blow and  taking over half of its 2,500 passengers down with it. 14 years later, the fathomable story played out in reality with the RMS Titanic.

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