6 Tricks To Stumble Upon When You're On Facebook

Receive notifications on login

Observing the usage and purpose of owning a personal account, a page or a business account, Facebook adds another security layer for your safety. People get login alerts whenever someone logs in to their account. Alerts are usually received via mail or phone text. This is helpful in recovery of your account too.

Turning your Facebook profile into a page

There might be people out there who ended up setting a personal profile when they actually wanted to create a profile for their respective businesses. Facebook is not entertaining such profile and you could lose your account. You have the privilege to convert to a Facebook page from your personal profile your contacts will be shown as fans of that page.

Set to-be account status before you die

Ever wondered, what happens to your account when you die? You have different options; whether you’d like to have your account memorialized or you want Facebook to delete your account permanently from their platform upon your demise. You can set your favorite person as your legacy contact in advance who will take care of your memorialized Timeline. Facebook do the needful as soon as it receives the death certificate of deceased. It’s definitely a great choice to be remembered by your family and peers.

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