5 Lesser Known Cafes In Bangalore

BANGALORE: The city of Bangalore is caked with variety of layers to cream the requisites of its people.  The diverse vibes that the city people emit have cemented many inspired abodes from themed pubs to vibrant diners that reflect the characteristics of its guest. Even so, there are few among the congregations that stand on different grounds, those of whom that  are not easily impressed and are often observed to slip away secretly to lesser known establishments. And while the charm of these soul cafes emanates a unique vibe, their location, more often than not, are hardly detectable in a normal setting

Here are 5 cafés that are more than just a place for coffee…

Cafe 42

The rooftop café located in Indiranagar embraces the rich culture of art and expression. The delightful setting and the surplus amount of entertainment is quite the harmonizing feel for anyone to just kick back and relax.

Urban Solace

Welcome to the humble abode of Perry Menzies, the residing solace within the bustling city. The Cultural Resto Café nestled at Ulsoor Lake embraces art in all forms. The likes of Perry, is nothing short of an ideal host who is sure enough not only talented but also the Perfect Gentleman. The core essence of this establishment stages many enticing events which takes place on a weekly basis from open mic nights to hosting live music and poetry.

Courtyard Café

Away from the chaos and mayhem of Bangalore’s ruckus comes Courtyard Café which is cleverly tucked away and hardly susceptible. As it is co-situated with PLaY, guests are entertained with ample activities that include Pool Table, Beach Volleyball and a Climbing Wall! The vibe of this place is quite alluring as the crowd isn’t that of the usual sort. Furthermore, if you are a cat person, the cafés kitty is sure to mesmerize you with its eyes- having two distinct patterns in its eyes.

Secret Garden Café

This quaint café is quite the appeal in itself!  Its location was once held a secret, rumors however have since been pouring in regarding its whereabouts, which lies in the lanes off Cunningham Road. The personal touch of nature dons the Secret Garden café with flowers, tree and the song of the birds.

Leaping Windows

The dwelling of comic books in every nook and corner of  the superhero establishment is what puts Leaping Windows in the awesome league. In addition, you are also provided with free Wifi, which is...simply beautiful!

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