15 Most Famous Child Geniuses

Bangalore: There’s an ongoing debate over IQ and hard work and about how much of the talent can traced back or relate to age. For majority of these cases, the line is blurry, but some legends are born even before the age of 5.

Take a look at the 15 most famous child geniuses, certain of them in recent history and others who influenced our culture centuries ago, compiled by BI.

#15 Neha Ramu

Neha Ramu, daughter of an Indian doctor couple, recently made news after achieving a score of 162 on a Mensa IQ test at the age of 12. The score put her in the top one per cent of brightest people in UK, making her more intelligent than physicist Hawking, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and scientist Albert Einstein, who are all thought to have an IQ of 160.

Neha had always performed well at school. It was only after she achieved a perfect score of 280/280 in an entrance exam in school, everyone realized her potential. She took the test for Mensa, a society for people with high IQs, two years later, and achieved the maximum possible score for someone aged below 18.

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