10 Threats That Are Dire To Human Exinction

Global System Collapse

This suggests that the political and economic system on the whole could crumble to dust. Factors pertaining to the terminal downfall could be aroused by bad policy and corrupt decisions. This would result in a hostile environment wherein congregations will come to blows against each other over resources and political authority. The issue with inequality in the society is expected to stir the most out of conflicts.

Super Volcano

Massive volcano eruptions has made its mark through Mass destruction and ruin that has been recorded throughout history. Victims like the Minoan VOLCANOCivilization and Roman city of Pompeii were wiped out by the fiery blanket of volcano eruptions. With that being said, Scientists state that with an oncoming super volcano in the future, it can bring about the scarcity in food as well as create adverse affects to the atmosphere by releasing dust and ash into the environment.

Global Pandemic

Global Pandemic has been raised several times in the past. The alarm had been set off with Bird flu and the SARS crisis that hit at a rapid rate which raises concerns as with the interconnection, these diseases can plague millions of people. That being noted, with an epidemic that has no treatment, it can diminish the human race to level of extinction.

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