10 Kids Who Are Real-Life Heroes

BANGALORE: The word ‘Hero’ always gives us the picture of the man who is tall and muscular enough to handle the thugs and nature’s disasters. But the images here are all the kids who are very young and daring to save people’s lives where some have even died when trying to do so. So, read on to find out about them as compiled by the Top Tenz. 

# Temar Boggs

Temar Boggs makes it on the list when he rescued a five-year old Jocelyn Rojas from her kidnapper. Temar was hanging out with his friends when he heard a girl from their neighborhood had been abducted and they immediately volunteered to search for the girl.

Temar found the vehicle in which Jocelyn was kidnapped, where he and his friend, Chris, chased the car for more than ten minute which scared the abductor and decided to let Jocelyn go. When he was interviewed, Temar said, “It was just out of heart. It wasn’t to get attention or anything. It was just to help somebody in the community, to ensure another little life was okay”

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