10 Inspirational Documentaries on India You Can't Miss

Smile PinkiSmile Pinki: A real world fairy tale directed by Megan Mylan is the winner of 81st Academy Award for best documentary. The film shows the story of a poor girl in rural India whose life takes a turn after suffering for eight long years.

Pinki Sonkar suffered from a severe cleft lip and her only wonder in life was whether she will ever be able to afford the surgery she needs. That surgery changed her life forever. She was invited to toss up the coin in Wimbledon Final-2013.

Children of the pyreChildren of the Pyre: Rajesh S. Jala’s efforts to show the sad reality of the wrong side of the caste system in India. Near the shores of Ganga in Manikarnika in an open air crematorium, Jala shows us the closer picture of the tender hands carrying out the most dangerous and strenuous work. The job of these youngsters is to keep the pyre burning, fetch the parts of the corpses that go astray.

Children of the Pyre, chronicles the hazardous conditions of the crematorium and how these children struggle to hold onto their innocence under dire circumstances. This was the best documentary at the Montreal World Film Festival.  

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