10 Incredible Things Innovated By Women

Admiral HooperCOBOL—Computer Language:

While Charles Babbage is the man who invented a programmable computer, Admiral Hooper was the lady who invented the compiler, which translates English into computer code. She lit the path of computer languages by writing a manual of operations. Her device supported the programmers create codes with fewer errors. She worked for the military and won several awards for her services, but she was overlooked for her innovation. Common Business Oriented Language was one of the first series of computer programming languages.

Colored Flares:

No they were not invented to be used as party props. Colored flares were used to send signals to one another while on a sail in the oceans. Martha Jane Coston, whose husband worked in the Navy Yard gave his best efforts to formulate a practical signaling system instead of the unreliable notes he used to write for night signaling. Coston took over that project after her husband and designed the polytechnic night signal and code system using different combination of colors to enable the ships to send signals to one another. She was granted the patent number 23, 536 from the U.S. government to do so.

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