10 Incredible Things Innovated By Women

White Correction Fluid:

Great invention indeed, after the advent of electric type writers it was difficult to erase the made and Trust Bette Nesmith Graham, secretary at Texas Bank best knows the difficulties relating to it. She then used what the artists use to make corrections. She carried tempera along with a brush to office to make corrections as and when required in her documents. That was the first ever step taken to invent a correction pen. She then improvised on her idea with help from her son’s chemistry teacher, which resulted in what we call a correction pen.

Fire Escape:

Anna Connelly accidentally invented the fire escape in 1887. She invented the popular exterior staircases that are now better known as fire escapes. Fire Escapes are a must for all the buildings across the United States and other western countries.

Circular Saw:

Tabitha Babbit, a member of Shaker Community in Harvard and Massachusetts, is credited with inventing the circular saw. She is also credited for other inventions like improvised spinning wheel head, manufacture of false head and also invention of cut nails in collaboration with El Whitney. She found the traditional two man pit saw extremely difficult to use and observed that half of their motion was wasted and hence she came up with the efficient circular saw.

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