10 Most Popular Books of 2012

Bangalore: “A room without books is like a body without a soul” said Marcus Tullius Cicero. There are certain books that are shelved as ‘must read’ and each year so many such books are published. Here are 10 popular books that were published this year, as listed by goodreads.com. These books are certainly a must read!

The Fault in Our Stars by :
The Fault in Our Stars is the fourth solo novel by John Green and was published in January 2012. The story is narrated by a sixteen-year-old cancer patient named Hazel, who is forced by her parents to attend a support group, where she later meets and falls in love with the seventeen-year-old Augustus Waters, an ex-basketball player and amputee. Green stated on his Tumblr blog and his YouTube vlog that "the title is inspired by a famous line from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar (Act 1, scene 2). The nobleman Cassius says to Brutus, 'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.'"

Pandemonium (Delirium, #2) by :
Pandemonium is a dystopian young adult novel written by Lauren Oliver, which was published in February 2012. It is a sequel to the 2011 book, Delirium. Pandemonium follows Lena, the series’ central character, as she explores the Wilds outside the walled community she was raised in.

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