10 Key Takeaways from Recently Concluded Assembly Elections

Who is Real Challenger for Narendra Modi?

There is no certainty that who is going to battle it out for the Prime Ministerial candidate against PM Narendra Modi for the general elections in 2019. Every state election appears to be Modi against others. Rahul Gandhi fancies himself as the prime contestant against him. Arvind Kejriwal is also thinking the same. Nitish Kumar is a prime facet of running an anti-Modi campaign. Mamata Banerjee also appears to be in Prime Ministerial candidate race from the opposition side. There is no certainty over who is going to be the main challenge for PM Modi in the next general elections.

Corruption is Not a Modus Operandi of Contesting Elections

Parties can hope for winning elections despite some scams denting their reputation if they have other favorable factors. Same thing happened in the current elections in which DMK came out of 2G scam charges and Mamata Banerjee returned to power after the Saradha and Narada hassle.


The state citizens gave the mixed reaction with their votes here. Mamata Banerjee escaped from anti-incumbency factor while other states were not fortunate enough to duck out from that. Being in power from last 15 years was the largest drawback in Tarun Gogoi reign as Assam CM.

Indian Politics doesn’t Depend on Age

India has the youngest population in the world, but what about its political leaders. VS Achuthanandan leads their party to power at the age of 93 in Kerala. LK Advani is active in politics at the age of 88 years. These elections might become a potion for the aged politicians.

BJP vs State held Parties

Without any change in fortune of Congress party, the contest between BJP and regional parties is increasing. In 2017, BJP will contest in UP state elections and fight against parties like BSP, SP, Nitish Kumar alliance and other parties. Current trends show that Congress party is not even in the state of contesting.

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