10 Extraordinary Personalities With Disabilities

Bangalore: It is inspiring to see people doing amazing things, but it has been more astonishing and marvelous to look at people with disability doing things, which may seem unimaginable to the normal people. There are many such extraordinary personalities, who have performed tasks which has become legendary.

Let us look at some of the 10 top personalities who have achieved greatness against all odds, As compiled by listverse.com

#10 Sudha Chandran – 1964
Disability: Amputee

Sudha Chandran is a well known Bharatanatyam dancer from Chenani, SouthIndia. She completed her Masters in Mumbai, and while travelling from Mumbai to Chennai, she met with an accident. The wound on her right leg got affected by gangrene, which resulted in the amputation. But despite her injury, Sudha went on to become one of the most highly acclaimed dancers. She is recognized in many countries and has been honored with numerous awards and still receives invitations to perform all over the world.

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