10 Awkward Moments That Inevitably Happens At Every Office

BANGALORE: Whoever said life’s ‘a box of chocolate’ definitely needs to be shaken up, for sugar coating the bitter side of reality.

Being adults, the trials we face, aren’t just something we can turn our back on. Ever since we’ve dropped the bomb, the process of embarrassment is but, an ongoing cycle of discomfort. And no matter where you hide or how far you run, there will always, and we mean always, be some nincompoop or the other, digging it up and reminding you of the things you wish to forget, reports vagabomb.

Now summing up 10 Awkward Office stunts to prove you’re not the only one

You’ve had something stuck in your teeth and your colleagues don’t tell you about it

Your evil colleagues keep mum and let you carry on your presentation with your teeth testifying to the meal you had earlier. And all this while, you assumed that the smile across the room was directed towards your presentation.

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