A Look at the Lavish Vanity Vans of Bollywood Superstars

Alia Bhatt

The Bollywood actresses are not far behind the actors when it comes to owing a luxurious vanity van. The 23 year old actress, recently started her career, but owns a very swanky vanity van. The walls of the van are full of cute paintings, colorful cushions that match the personality and lifestyle of Alia. Amrita Mahal Nakai customized her vanity according to the comfort and luxury of the bubbly actor.

Sonam Kapoor

The stylish fashionista of Bollywood owns a vanity van that totally suits her personality. Her vanity van has a very classy interior, with a flat screen TV, LED lights and other amenities. The elegant couches in her van provide a lounging experience while she is free from shooting schedule.

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