5 Lesser Known Mind Boggling Movies

BENGALURU: As Christopher Nolan remarks, “Every film should have its own world, logic and feel to it that expands beyond the exact image the audience is seeing.” Truer words could not be spoken. Here are six lesser known flicks that promise to latch on in the minds of curious viewers.

The Man from Earth

Legendary science fiction writer Jerome Bixby’s The Man from Earth is no visual treat loaded with high end graphics, yet it leaves a lasting impression as one of the most stirring stories ever told. The screenplay was conceived by Jerome Bixby in the early 1960s and completed on his deathbed in April 1998. The story revolves around a group of teachers giving a farewell party to their colleague John in his residence. John’s decision came as a surprise to them for he had been with them for ten years. But it appears John has something eerie to reveal to them.

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