10 Movies All Must Watch on Teachers' Day

4. Lean on Me (1989)

Star Cast: Morgan Freeman, Beverly Todd and Robert Guillaume

Well this is a movie that touches a chord whenever you see it. Though many may not approve of the principal’s ways. The movie is based on the real life story of Joe Louis Clark who was a principal at   Paterson, New Jersey.

The movie revolves around the school Eastside High School in New Jersey that has numerous problems like drugs, gang violence, no order among the students and because of this the school was at a risk of being taken over by the State government. The Government has given the school one chance to improve on the test scores if they didn’t want to be taken over.

Morgan Freeman plays the principle of this school and not many of the people agree with his way of disciplining the students. He refuses to accept excuses and if need be he would use the baseball bat to bring order in the school. His methods shocked the students as well the teachers. But he doesn’t give in and ultimately he changes the lives of the students and gives them a new purpose in their life.