World's 10 Most Innovative Big Data Companies

6. The Weather Company

The Weather Company is known for analyzing millions of local climates and also estimating how buying pattern changes with the weather. By decoding the behavior patterns of its digital and mobile users in 3 million locations worldwide, the enterprise has become great aid for advertising. Powered with unique climate data for each locality, it lets shampoo brands, for instance, target customers in a humid climate with a new anti-frizz product. It is not surprising to know that more than half of the enterprise’s ad revenues come from its digital operations.

5. Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine

Mount Sinai Icahn School is known for embracing data analyzers and supercomputers to build the next generation hospital. The facility will map patient’s genomes to predict diseases. It will also reduce the number of hospital visits, and will help in maintaining full-fledged electronic medical records. At the center of Mount Sinai’s project is a $3 million supercomputer called Minerva, which processes gigabytes of health data in seconds. The database of genomic samples from more than 25,000 patients is named as BioMe.

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