Top 5 Data Security Concerns for CIOs

#4. IT Management:

IT helpdesks should be capable of frequently assisting users who are in need of help and who are in need of specific IT solutions, and this is the next step that CIOs must prioritize. CIOs must ensure that they have deployed the right personnel to view and manage applications and devices that are necessary for the enterprises. With better positioning of staff in correct areas, companies can minimize the risk of variability, scale processing and ensure that the data remains’ safe. Better control over helpdesk staff that protects data’s and provides audit instrumentation ensures that these sites won’t turn into any other security hole. It’s clear that implementation of mobile technology and applications alone cannot bring a change in the existing infrastructure. Better integration of these technologies along with existing infrastructure is what an enterprise can always benefit from. Not to forget that enterprise-technology combined execution can always reduce workload and human error.