Religious Sites More Viral Than Porn Sites: Report

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Bangalore: Symantec, an internet security firm conducted a study and recently released a report which contained information that came as a surprise to many. The study revealed that religious or ideological websites to be precise are found to be more susceptible to malware, than adult or pornographic websites, and hence deciding on the malware vulnerabilities of the visitors to the websites belonging to the two categories reports Anuradha Shetty of tech2.

Symantec, in their annual report, titled - Internet Security Threat Report, have affirmed that websites that are categorized under “blogs/web communications” are more likely have malicious codes, with 19.8 percent of the total number of infected websites coming under this category, followed by "Hosting/Personal hosted sites" accommodating for 15.6 percent of the total number of affected websites. Pornographic websites on this list featured in the 10th position with 2.4 percent of all affected websites. In an attempt to gauge such a low pornography malware score, the report adds, We hypothesize that this is because pornographic website owners already make money from the internet and, as a result, have a vested interest in keeping their sites malware-free – it’s not good for repeat business.”

The report also featured some of the other categories for Most frequently Exploited websites such as Business/ Economy, which accounts for 10 percent, Shopping (7.7 percent), Education/ Reference (6.9 percent), Technology Computer & Internet (6.9 percent), Entertainment & Music (3.8 percent), Automotive (3.8 percent), Health & Medicine (2.7 percent).