Post Budget Reactions From The Enterprise World

Further, the thrust on NOFN will provide a tremendous opportunity to bring Digital-India's vision to the fore. The opportunity arising from the enhanced connectivity will address the issue of enhancing infrastructure penetration in the country. Broad band connectivity, improved access to services through IT enabled platforms, greater transparency in Government processes and special focus on supporting software product start-ups are noteworthy initiatives towards enabling not only the industry but also citizens at large.”

According to Rohit Chadda, MD and Co-Founder – Foodpanda, “This is the first completely independent budget from Mr Jaitley and industry had high expectations from it. While overall it seems to be pro-development but a lot more could have been done specially to boost the already booming start-up environment in the country. What will be interesting to see over the next couple of years is how well are initiatives like the incubation cell and nayi manzil executed. We have seen in the past that governments have been good at announcing schemes but have hardly been able to execute them well.”

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