Networking, The Base Of Your Business Plan

Bangalore: To set up the dream organization or to accomplish the business goals you have in plan what are your major areas to look at – efficiency, growth opportunities, administrative tasks? In the struggle to frame a concrete and healthy business goal, what one does not look at is networking. Though Adam Small refers to networking is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization, yet how many of us are exactly aware about it?! Networking is the method of building contacts, nurturing it with the attempt of delivering mutual benefits at the necessary time. 

The saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is still relevant.
The good part about today’s networking is that it is  no more an arduous process. In addition to social gathering and parties, digital networking, nowadays forms the crux of the industry. This contemporary practice built with the aid stick of internet, implies online networking. Though making a compelling first impression online can be more difficult as making an impression in person, yet it is not impossible. 

Which contact can become the best reference and ‘when’ is the crucial question?
This entirely depends on the purpose for which you are contacting. Whether you need a legal advice or a logo for your sub brand will determine your decision to contact a corporate lawyer or a graphic designer. Internet is of immense use at every level of socializing. So simply upgrade your knowledge through Facebook or MySpace on which friend of yours or cousin can be of best use and shoot a touchy message. In case of formal contacts, e-mails can be the first step. However for any sort of networking, coffee or lunch works the best.

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