Korea No. 1 in Internet Connectivity Speed: Who's Next?

Kore 300

Bangalore:  Akamai, released its quarterly "The State of the Internet" report that outlines the relative speeds and penetrations of Internet connectivity in the U.S. and around the world. The report has listed out today's poor performers in internet connectivity, that were actually stunningly fast by the standards of the Internet a decade ago when everyone was struggling. Infact some countries had incredible internet connectivity speed that was considered as the Rolls-Royce of connectivity reports John C Dvorak of PCMAG.com

The report revealed that Korea leads the world with a 17.5 Mbps average. Japan and Hong Kong are next, with 9.1 Mbps. The U.S. is number 13 on the list after Holland, Latvia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Romania. The average connection speed globally is 2.3 Mbps. U.S on average is 5.8 Mbps however, it still means that U.S Lags in internet connectivity speeds.

The report is peppered with enticing snippets, too, such as these facts:

"Fully one quarter of Moroccan households boast a broadband connection - up from just two percent in 2004."

"Argentina has one of the most developed broadband markets in Latin America, with some of the fastest and least expensive plans on offer."

"Romania is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of high speed internet access in larger cities, but fixed broadband internet penetration is still low in Romanian regions and rural areas."