Kaspersky Lab Survey Discovers What Types Of Data-Loss Keep Industrial IT Managers Awake At Night

But this data also shows that the top concern of one industrial business might be a minimal consideration for another (e.g., importance of Intellectual Property). For example, Kaspersky Lab’s survey found 31 percent of businesses in the Manufacturing sector believe they are being specifically targeted by cyber-attacks. This was the second-highest rating across all sectors (behind Financial Services), but this high-level of concern was not reported in the Utilities & Energy sector, which had a below-average response to this question.

It’s clear that the IT networks and security priorities of industrial businesses require a different type of security strategy to meet their needs. Sophisticated industrial security is a more urgent need than ever, as sophisticated malware, such as Wiper and Shamoon, have specifically targeted industrial businesses and caused millions of dollars in damage. To learn more about Kaspersky Lab’s approach to industrial security, and to obtain a whitepaper discussing industrial security challenges, visit the company’s Critical Infrastructure Protection & Industrial Security business center, or read more analysis of malware attacks on industrial businesses on the Kaspersky Business Blog.

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