Big Data- The Impacts and Complexities

Bangalore: In today’s business landscape, there has been a boom in social networking sites and advanced analytical engines – all sources from which gigantic amounts of information can be weaned on a daily basis. These massive volumes of unstructured data could potentially contain ground-breaking insights, which could significantly contribute towards a business in two ways. The first way is to provide customers with a more personalized experience. The second and more important use of Big Data that is now being highlighted is its potential to contribute towards improving business performance and helping enterprises make strategic business decisions based on the scientific examination of data.

But then we have the big question- How do we scale big data? What are the complexities in big data adoption? In an interview given to SiliconIndia, Aditya Yadav, India R&D/ATS head at SunGard, explained the values of big data and most importantly ‘the art’ of managing this massive  data group.

Big Data and Data Science are different:

There is a significant difference between ‘Big Data’ and ‘Data Science’. The latter is a Science and the former is a set of Technologies around a concept or a problem domain. While Big Data is a term that encompasses all of gathering, storage and processing of volumes of data, Data Science is the method of scientific enquiry into data to derive insights and hence create value by developing business strategies to take business decisions. Data Science may or may not involve Big Data.

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