Know the Value of Big Data With In-Memory Analytics

Bangalore: With constant change in current marketing conditions, organizations are becoming more and more cautious in their business operations, as these conditions often cause unacceptable business delays because of the large amounts of data associated. Managing these bottlenecks is truly a hectic process for industries as it causes distress and hindrance in the overall development, which eventually leads to critical business decisions affecting the entire course of act. The one best method to resolve such holdups is the use of in-memory business analytic solutions.

In-memory business analytics is an apt way to resolve critical bottlenecks as organizations can get structured and unstructured volumes of data arranged in such a way that they provide valuable real-time information’s to improve the overall business process. One good example is SAP HANA, which is largely driven by business users.

Organizations find in-memory analytics a potential booster for real-time analysis and a provision for an instant access to resources. With in-memory technology, businesses can predict models, warn management systems on accumulation of large unstructured data volumes and provide traditional information for better analysis and patternization.

In a recent survey conducted by Quartet FS, a solution provider on complex business models, almost 55 percent of the respondents, who were IT mangers and system architects from various industries, stated that big data is a big problem. Out of 55, around 44 percent believed that the unacceptable response time and the increasing amount of data is the main challenge. This situation is a wakeup call for organizations as they need to revise their strategies and drive their businesses more to in-memory technology.

With products like SAP HANA available, organizations can model and arrange their unstructured data into a more structured way so that the speed of accessing information is increased and businesses make critical decisions in no time. The nutshell- in-memory technology does not simply accelerate data access, but provides a quantum leap for organizations in data analysis by giving access to transactional data.