10 Optimum Enterprise Search Tools

Bangalore: When data or content from various enterprise-type sources like databases is made searchable by a certain set of pre-defined audience, it is known as Enterprise Search.
The practice of enterprise search, like all other search programs focuses more on the content that undergoes various transformations while phasing from source repository to search results.
Here we present you a list of 10 search tools that Tools Journal has compiled. Have a look:

1. conceptClassifier
With its ability to deliver automatic identification and extraction of concepts as the content is created or ingested makes it the only share point solution that provides features such as intelligent automated classification and allows  enterprise class taxonomy management to run smoothly in the SharePoint 2007 and 2010 versions. It can be deployed in no time and easily maintained.

2. dtSearch
This search tool comes with immense capabilities to search terabytes of data in no time across desktop, network, intranet. It can be used to publish large documents on websites. Some of its advanced features include Built-in Spider that adds static and dynamic web based content to a database.