10 Apps That Are Blacklisted By Enterprises

Bangalore: In recent years we have seen a wide outspread of personal apps, social services and other software across the enterprise platform. Most of the employees depend on these apps, that they consider them as stress relievers. But whatever you call it, enterprises has already listed them as efficiency killers or apps that present security risks. Now because of their notoriety in enterprise platforms, these apps already are banned to employees. But an interesting fact is that more new attention-grabbing apps keeps on popping in the web and the blacklist order keeps on growing.

So according to Zenprise MDM Cloud Report, here’s the list that features top 10 blacklisted apps in enterprises.

1. Angry Birds:

It looks like the most popular app in the world is also considered as the most notorious app in all throughout enterprises. It’s the Angry Birds that top the list of blacklisted apps among enterprises. Developed by the Finnish computer game developer Rovio Mobile, the Angry Birds rose to popularity with its addictive gaming, comical style and low cost. But in this case, it’s sure that your CEO doesn’t want you sling shooting wingless birds at evil green pigs.