5 Ways to Spot and Score Bad IP Clients

Bangalore: Identifying improper behavior among the devices connected to their network is a critical tool for any organization concerned about Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). In light of the rapidly changing landscape of such targeted malware attacks, Fortinet lists the top five types of behavior that might indicate that a device has been infected.

#1 Bad Connection Attempts:

Typical malware behavior often includes attempts to connect to hosts that don’t exist on the Internet. While some bad connections may be due to user error or bad links, a series of bad connections could be a sign of malware infection.

#2 Choice of Application:

A host that installs a P2P file sharing application can be considered riskier than a host that installs a game. Some organizations may consider both actions problematic. The ability to add weights to each action allows each risk to be scored accordingly.

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