The Most Interesting Pawn Shop Business Ideas

BANGALORE: Pawnshops business is quite conventional since long time now. Mostly in India it is practiced to cater some bucks to people for their necessary work and in turn those people keep their jewelries as collateral. But now the trend has been emerged, today the pawnshop business includes artwork, toys, tech products and many more.

Let’s get acquainted with 10 pawn shops in the world that are making great ransom out of this business.

1. Wedding Gowns

Wedding Gowns are pawn off? Seriously! It makes you awestruck, as wedding gowns are the most unlikely item to buy second hand. Probably, this might be a conventional thought for the rich people but there are many whose budget does not go that long.

There has been a lot of lucrative business flourishing out for the wedding gown trade, it can be seen in the markets with taglines like a ‘worn only once’ or ‘never worn’ second hand wedding gown available here.