Sundar Pichai: Journey from Chennai to Google's New CEO

BANGALORE: Co-founders of Google, Larry page and Sergey Brin have decided to subsume their company into new parent firm- Alphabet on August 10. The news of the sweeping reorganization of the search giant came along with naming Sundar Pichai as the new CEO at Google.

The move was quite surprising where the cofounders unveiled the launch of new umbrella company -Alphabet under which Google would remain the biggest piece. The new structured Alphabet would include Google, Calico, X lab, Google's investment arms, Ventures and Capital whereas the subsidiary Google would take under search, maps, apps, ads, Android and YouTube and associated technical infrastructure.

Sundar Pichai, 43, a Chennai native, had joined Google back in 2004. Although Pichai’s journey had been slow, he steadily climbed the ladder of success in Google.

The influential business leader with the rare managerial quality, Pichai Sundararajan graduated from IIT Kharagpur and Stanford University. He started off in Google working on their Toolbar followed by leading the famed browser Chrome in 2008. Following this elevation, he was then named the Senior Vice President of all the Google apps and finally was handed the operations of Android.

This major leap would mean that now two of the world’s largest tech companies will be headed by executives of Indian-origin- Pichai at Goolge and Satya Nadella at Microsoft. Pichai being named as the new CEO at Google would also mark a milestone for Indian-origin CEOs and techies who have been on an evangelical kind of journey to set new benchmarks in world of technology.

Becoming CEO of Google has led Pichai- ‘the low key manager’ to instant fame. Here’s all you need to know about him, reports Firstpost.

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