Stephen Twomey of Kennected Shares How Content Marketing Helps Kennected Grow

Stephen Twomey of Kennected Shares How Content Marketing Helps Kennected Grow

Founded in 2018, Kennected has become one of the most reliable lead generation solutionswith its amazing LinkedIn automation tool Cloud Kennect and other products like Kennected Calendar and Kennected Video within a short period.Within two years Kennected was able to help 8000 companies and many entrepreneurs across the globe to upgrade their marketing strategies with the power of lead generation and has grown as one of the leading SaaS companies.

The main aim of Kennected SaaS Company was to help companies to improve their lead generation and give excellent content marketing strategies, but it has proved to be a content marketing juggernaut that provides valuable information.  One of the co-founders of Kennected Stephen Twomey identifies that since most companies and their operations have shifted online, good content can be one of the most effective ways to attract people and generate more leads.

Content marketing is a very effective strategy to attract leads, improve traffic, boost engagement, provide valuable content, and generate more leads. Kennected identifies these possibilities of content marketing and used them to market itself.

Now, let us look at the effect of content marketing and how Kennected has used it for its growth.

Keyword research

The digital market expert Stephen and his team identify that no matter how big your company is, you must have a good content marketing strategy to carve your space online. Kennected has identified Keyword research as the first important step toward creating effective content. It is an effective way to understand the search volume as well as to identify the best keywords. After identifying the most searched keywords, they come up with relevant topics that the targeted audience is interested in and drive more traffic to their website and social media handles.

Once they are done with the article around the topics, Kennected takes one step forward and shootsa video to promote the written content. When the Keywords are added to the contents, they will become more visible to the audience and will come first on web searches. When the targeted audience search for the keywords in Google, these contents will come first.

But also remember that Keyword stuffing won’t help you get anywhere. You have to add it in the most natural way possible. You need to remember that today’s customers are more informed and they won’t hesitate to block you if you are spamming them with unnecessary addition of keywords. Adding Keywords unnecessarily will only reduce the credibility.

Create suitable Subtopics

Stephen and his team further suggest the use of the right subheading while writing the contents. There are various ways to optimize the content and using H2 andH3 tags to create subtopics that support the article is one way. For instance, the H2 task that supports and is suitable for the main heading will help you to rank higher in the search result.

Research and understand your competitors

One of the biggest disadvantages of content marketing is that there are plenty of content and competitors. Since there is no shortage of content online, everyone will be trying hard to attract their targeted audience. So, to outwit these competitors, it is advised to study your competitors and observe what they are doing. Understand how long their articles are, how often they use keywords, etc. These researches can help you improve and create your content marketing strategies effectively.

Stephen Twomey of Kennected Shares How Content Marketing Helps Kennected Grow

Optimize the articles

Stephen and other experts from Kennected teams suggest optimizing the article with title tags, H1, H2 tags, URL and more is an effective method. By highlighting the title with the Title tag, your audience will get clearly understand what topic or question you are going to cover in the article. When an individual searches for a topic, they will first look at the title, and based on the title they will decide on whether to read or watch your content.

While crafting the title make sure it is crisp, clear, and should clearly explain what the content is all about. You have to follow the same guidelines while optimizing H1, and H2 tags. If you are doing video content, you can optimize the title, video descriptions, tags, and captions.

Effectively reuse the content

Do not think that once you post the content its value is over. You can reuse and repurpose the content effectively to drive more value. Kennected has understood this and has used some of its; long articles in engaging videos, which can be used on various social media platforms. Stephen says that you can also turn the article into infographics and turn videos into podcasts. Mixing previously written articles with new content or posting the same article on different platforms will also work and will give maximum results for your efforts.

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage your audience. Stephen Twomey and other experts from Kennected understood the power of content and used it in their marketing plan to promote them online.